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Looking for a Plumber in Mackay or The Whitsundays?

We are Mackay based Plumbers

At Flowtech our expert plumbers can handle a diverse range of plumbing services in Mackay, Whitsundays or any area within the region to help you with whatever your needs are – commercial or domestic!

Below is a run down on what our Plumbing service offers. Please check out our Gas fitting page for more services we offer!

Maryborough Plumber / Hervey Bay Plumber offering repairs and maintenance

Repairs & Maintenance

If you require any general repairs to your home or business plumbing, we can help! We can also offer you regular maintenance to help prevent further issues in the future.

Drain Cleaning - Plumber Hervey Bay

Drain Cleaning

When the wet season hits, don’t be caught off guard! Water drains can be quite problematic if left alone. Call your local plumber for assistance.

So contact us today and we can clean out your drain with our purpose built pressure cleaner!

We are Maryborough Plumbers that fix water pipes!

Burst Water Pipes

Burst water pipes demand immediate attention. The longer you leave it the more damage can be done. If this occurs turn your water meter off immediately.

Call Tony if you have any issues. 24/7

Plumber Hervey Bay - Water wise audit

Water Wise Audit

With a one hour inspection, our WaterWaise Audit can help you find ways to reduce water usage in yoru home and save you money!

Hot Water

We also specialise in the installation and maintainance of quality hot water systems on your property. Contact us today for more information!

Whatever you need, our expert plumber is here to help. We also have major focus of what we do and our team are fully licensed and qualified to handle any Gas fitting jobs on your premises. We service Mackay, Andergrove, Eungella, Finch Hatton, Marian, Mirani, Ooralea, Sarina, Seaforth, Shoal Point, Walkerston and all surrounding suburbs.

So give Flowtech a call today!